I am catching up with posting online my articles.
In the last couple of years I was living a pattern of overworking myself. Thus I was taking many responsibilities on myself and later I wanted to finish them as soon as possible which lead on many occasions to nothing else but self-abuse. By self-abuse here I mean pushing myself to work over limits and cut my time dedicated to rest as I did not want to waste time and - as I as said - finish my tasks as soon as possible.
I worked on this issue last year within the mind construct assignment ( part of the Desteni I Process course ). I remember that when I worked on the assignment I had a lot of resistance towards it but now I have to say that I see the benefits out of it.
You'll know... now I try to catch up with couple of pending tasks, which have been waiting in the queue for couple of months but instead of trying to push myself and work over the limits I stop myself and I follow the plan. I do not fall into the trap of wanting to finish them as soon as possible. I take time for myself to rest and I do them as I can.
I had the thoughts in my mind that once I finish this "big" pending task as quick as possible then I will be "free" sooner. But this is the trap because I know that later I will have other tasks and responsibilities. And if I do not learn how to complete my current task without abusing myself by working long hours and pushing myself over the limits of tiredness and exhaustion, then I will do the same with other tasks in the future. Thus I either do the change now and bring the balance into my life or I will continue with the same pattern.
Yes... I would like to finish my task and be done with it as soon as I can. But I choose to do it as soon as I can without abusing myself.