I am catching up with posting online my articles.
I am taking some time for myself. I still work but relatively little. Though I am trying to catch up with my pending tasks. And there are few of them. So I could not think about taking holidays. At least not yet. But still I face the point of not knowing what to write.
Well... I guess this is part of it. And I have to accept it. One thing is for certain. And that is that I will continue writing my articles according to my commitment which I accepted almost 4 years ago. That means that I still have more than 3 years to go.
One of the things which I see as a result of me writing my articles every day is that "what is best for all" becomes my guiding principle in my life. You'll know... I write about it every day and just this writing makes me to think about it, focus on it and then I make decisions in my life which are aligned with this principle. Whether I want it or not. I become it automatically in a way. And I see it more and more. And it is also easier and easier for me to make this kind of decisions.
You'll know... I have many days when I do not feel like writing an article. But I have to do it as I have my commitment. And this makes a big difference. And it makes a big change in me and in my life.