I am catching up with posting online my articles.
Some months ago I met at the party a girl whom I liked. I asked her then to go out with me but she was not interested. About 3 months later we met again at the dance class. And I said to myself: "Wow... what a coincidence !!!".
Anyway because she was not interested in getting to know me 3 months ago so I did not try to make any moves towards her this time. But still I liked how she dances and her attitude towards dancing and I was hoping that maybe we could be at least the dance partners. But did not make this proposal as yet as I thought that this is too early.
And so I was going to my dance class and I was observing her "secretly" and waiting for any signs from her showing that she would be interested in me as a dance partner. Unfortunately with the time I noticed that she was more attracted to another guy and they become fixed dance partners. I was disappointed because it was not easy for me to find a good dance partner but anyway I said to myself: "OK... I will have to try to find another dance partner."
And so I was going regularly to the dance and from time to time I was dancing with this girl. It was all ok but then one day I realized that I continue to observe this girl obsessively. There were many other people in the class but I was concentrating my attention on this girl. And I said: "WTF !!!". The following week I decided that I would move to another corner of the room away from her and that I would not look at her. I was doing OK but still my eyes were wandering automatically searching for her in the mirrors etc. The week after I continued with my plan and I noticed that it was going easier. And last week I almost did not see this girl in the class. Well... I did but equally to other people.
So in this whole situation I have created within myself a behavioral pattern which from time to time was throwing me out of balance. It was simply because within my mind I created hopes ( directed towards this girl ) but because it was not happening so I was ending up with disappointment.