I am catching up with posting online my articles.
It is very late now. But I have been busy all day and evening and I could not write the article earlier. So now I face the point of tiredness and not knowing what to write.
Today I watched shortly a video on Facebook about Hilary Clinton - the candidate for president in USA, showing how she changes what she says publicly according to what is more convenient for her. And that simply means that she has no integrity within herself; she is a liar and it would be really a shame if she was elected the president of the USA. But then the reality is that she has support and backup of the elite and thanks to the super-delegates she will be the democratic nominee for president.
Anyway if we get lucky and Bernie Sanders will be elected as the president then we must not forget that he is not the almighty god. He is a human being at the age of 74 years and he can only do so much. And thus we must realise each of us must become active and bring on the change within ourselves and then also get more involved into the change on the outside.
So now I go to sleep.