I am catching up with posting online my articles.
This is the continuation of the previous article:
So I will say it again. The problem with refugees flooding the Europe is a symptoms of the sickness. And the European countries can try to close their borders and the policemen may beat up the refugees in an attempt to bring up the control to the desperate crowd but all of this is just dealing with the symptoms. And as long as we do not deal with the cause of the problem the "sickness" will sooner or later come back.
These people would never try to get to Europe if they could live peacefully in their country. Unfortunately the war in Syria started in 2011 and it does not look like it will end any soon.
So why do we have this war in Syria ?
You'll know... I do not have access to the top secret information explaining why it all started. But from the videos published on internet it looks like it was all about greed, money and power. Thus it looks like Saudi Arabia ( one of the main oil producers ) wanted to have a pipe line running through Syria to avoid the necessity to ship oil from Persian Golf through Arabian and Red Sea. But because the president of Syria - Bashar al-Assad, did not agree to it and instead he wanted to make this project with Iran so Saudi Arabia started to sponsor and hire ( obviously unofficially ) the rebels to stand against Assad. And so the war in Syria started in 2011 and continues until today.
You'll know... maybe I miss some important details in this description of the war in Syria. Or maybe I completely wrong and maybe it is that president Bashar al-Assad is the bad guy. But one thing I know for sure. This main reasons which lie behind this war are: greed, money and desire for power. And as a result of this today we have a major problem with refugees trying desperately to get to Europe. On their way they go through a lot of suffering. They sleep on the outside. They don't get proper nutrition. They get sick. Some of them die. They are being beaten up by the policemen trying to bring the control to the crowed etc.
To be continued