![Defending my right to pee on the wall in public places](img7yrs/img_day1414.jpg)
I am catching up with posting online my articles.
This is the continuation of the previous article:
Now... what can we do about this whole situation ?
Well... this is not easy as here we are dealing with the consequences of letting an innocent child to grow and become a stupid, careless human being.
And guess what ?
This stupid and careless human being most probably is going to be like this for the rest of his life. He will pee on many public walls throughout his life, he will do other damage and he may even be inclined towards criminal activity.
Now... because we ( human beings ) got used to only treat the symptoms ( like with the sickness ) then most probably we will invest our resources towards strengthening the police force to deal with this problem.
Unfortunately as I said this is just a symptom and so treating this symptom is not going to give us a permanent and effective improvement. One day this guy may be put in prison but sooner or later he will get out and he will continue peeing on the public walls.
And thus an effective solution to our problem with the guy getting angry at a remark to not pee on the wall is to try to find the real cause of this situation. Thus we need to look at what happened with this person from the moment when he was born till his teenage years. We need to look and investigate the family and then the official education system because it is obvious that these 2 elements have failed in here.