I am catching up with posting online my articles.
This is the continuation of the previous article:
So the big question is how do we get the majority of people to see the necessity of doing something to make this world a better place and then do it ?
Well... maybe I should rephrase this question because I guess that most of the people would like to change the world as they see already that it is a fucked up place to be. And thus we should ask:
How do we get the majority of people to do something about changing this world into a better place ?
You'll see... nobody really knows what we should. As I said before theoretically this whole process is a very simple one but then because we believe in our mind that it is not, then here is the problem. We are all co-creators of this world. Our thoughts, our attitudes and our actions shape and create this world continuously and as long as we believe what we can do nothing to change it, than we will not get far anywhere apart continuing on the destructive path which we walk now.
Now... there is one point which is unquestionable. If we want to change anything in this world we must always start with ourselves. As I said above... we are co-creators of this world. And you as and me and others have given our part to what is here right. I know that you may object that you do not participate in the creation of the bad things ( e.g. war, abuse, starvation etc. ) but the painful truth is that you are.
Anyway if you see the necessity to change this world, then work with yourself first. Change yourself because once you change yourself then automatically your part in the co-creation of this world will make the change. I know that it might be difficult to see your efforts but still remember that you will be the living example to others and your change will affect others giving them chance and possibility to see that the change is possible. Remember that your change will help others to break through their own belief in their own mind that they can do nothing about changing this world.