I am catching up with posting online my articles.
I remember that before I could graduate with the official diploma as a professional massage therapist - myself and other student - we had to do certain amount of hours of. It was all organised in such a way that anybody "from outside" could receive a treatment in the college's massage studio for a very small fee. This way we ( the students ) could do the practice on "real people".
Then I also remember one specific moment when our teacher came very pissed off one day because somebody asked him on the phone if we do massages with "happy ending". I understood in that moment why he was so angry. In the end it was a college providing education for people who wanted to be professional massage therapist and not some kind of brothel or something like this.
Anyway in the end I did all my practice. I received my diploma. And I went into the world to look for a job. I was very pleased what I have learned there. I had couple of exceptionally good teachers who showed me many interesting things about massage and natural medicine and so I was confident that I can be a good therapist.
Of course there is always a point that you may graduate from the best college in the world but still this cannot compare with what you learn later in your practice. The more experience you have the better therapist you are.
And so now I have over 10 years of experience as a massage therapist and I have learned and discovered many new things in my practice. And one of them was related to the sexual energy.
To be continued