I am catching up with posting online my articles.
This is the continuation of the previous article:
You'll know... nobody will really talk about it openly in the official news but manipulation of prices of major commodities can be used to put pressure on some countries. For example we could give here an example of Russia and Vladimir Putin ( the president ). He has shown on many occasions that is does not want to play role of a puppet to the western world and those who are controlling and ruling this world from behind the scenes ( I refer here to the so called elite ). But this is not just about being a puppet because from what I know Putin has also exposed publicly the manipulations and dirty games of the elite who wants to have ever more privileges and more control. And thus I suspect that this drastic drop in the prices of oil has something to do with trying to put pressure on Putin. And so we can see it as Russia starts to have some problems.
But then Russia is not the only enemy of the elite. We also have Iran. We all know about the plan USA and the allies ( although in reality we talk about the elite ) to bring democracy to the Iran through war. The same as it happened in Iraq and Libya.
So you'll see... manipulating the drastic drop in oil prices was most probably intended to put pressure on those who are uncomfortable to the elite.
Now... these stupid games of greed and power among humans is going at the affect of the planet Earth and the whole ecosystem. Overproduction of oil ( necessary to manipulate the drop in prices ) means that we are taking from earth excessively and unnecessarily the fluids ( like a blood in the human body ) which are necessary for proper functioning of the body of earth.
You know what would happen to you if you lost a lot of blood ! You would become weak and you could also get sick. And so is the same with earth. Taking away too much of her blood will cause her to get weaker. And as I said this is all happening for the sake of greed and desire to have power.
Remember that once you get sick all the money and all the power will become of no value to you !!!
You'll know... I have no access to the secret information or anything like this. I do not even watch TV. So maybe I am completely wrong about what I write here. But still I want to point out to you to not take for granted all the information that you here in the official media sources. I recommend that you questions what you hear on the news and do your own investigation to cross reference what you hear and see on TV. Also use the commons sense and logic. And then you will a better chance to really see what is going on in this world. And maybe then you will realise that you should do something about it.