I am catching up with posting online my articles.
I am really bored with writing about not knowing but then I seat in front of the computer and I am completely blank. Of course I see that our world system is fucked but then I do not want to write about it anymore. I want to do something about it.
And so I do it. I work a lot because I want to earn money so that I may open an education and training facility where people could learn about what is going on in this world, about their bodies, the ecosystem and the connection between them and how we can fix and improve it all.
This is a long term project. It will take me some time before I get there. At least I have a lot of work so that I may save up the money for this project. But then working so much means that there is not much of other things happening in my life. And it is also demanding physically. And in the end all of this contributes to the fact that I do not know what to write anymore.
As I said before it is boring to write about not knowing what to write for so many days in the last couple of weeks. But for now there is not much I can do about it.