I am catching up with posting online my articles.
Today I met a woman at the parking of a shopping center begging for money. Because I heard about the cases of beggars who do it as a profession so I am not so keen on giving them money. I-d rather buy them some food. But still before I do it, I try to talk with them to find out about their situation.
So this woman told me that her daughter died 1.5 years ago from cancer and left 4 children. Father does not care about the children so this over 50 years old woman is taking care of these children alone.
But listen to this !!!
This woman does not receive any help from the government and she has been sleeping for at least 1 year in a tent. At least here it is relatively warm but still she sleeps outside with these children. She told me that she has not eaten warm food for a very long time as she does not have any cooking facilities.
When she was talking to me she cried few times telling me how much she wishes to have home.
To be continued