I am catching up with posting online my articles.
This is the continuation of the previous article:
As I said in previous article the program in my mind about watching porn and masturbation has been neutralised and removed. But I know that I could reprogram myself to do it again.
On couple of occasions I observed my behaviour when it comes to the computer games. Thus there were periods when I played them a lot. But then I decided to stop doing it. In the beginning I was finding some excuses to play again and on some occasions I was getting back in the games although I made the decision to not do it. Anyway eventually I stopped playing the game and it was all fine.
And then I remember that few weeks later I decided to play the game again. It was very interesting to see that the game appeared to me boring. But then I continued to play it for few days and then I noticed that I got hooked up on it again. Then I played the game almost every day for few weeks and later at some point I decided again to stop it.
And so I repeated this cycle of playing the game and stopping it few times:
1. First I got hooked up on it.
2. Then I was kind of struggling with stopping it.
3. Then I stopped it for few weeks or months.
4. Then I play it again.
5. I find it boring but I continue to play it and eventually I get hooked up again.
So here it is very easy to see how I was repeating the same behavioural cycle.
And so you'll see... I could do the same with the porn and masturbation. Right now I find it really boring to watch porn and masturbate but if I do it for few days then I may get hooked up on it just like with the computer game.
To be continued