![You always know what to do](img7yrs/img_day1359.jpg)
I am catching up with posting online my articles.
Now... there are many people on this earth stuck in the labyrinth ( of their mind ). They are there looking at the walls around ( not being able to see the exit ) and they say that they are not able to get out of there. And all what they do is that they pray to god to get them magically out of there. And believe it or not many people do this ( praying ) for their whole life and obviously they never get out of the labyrinth.
You-ll know... this is simply giving before even trying to make a first step to see what is around the corner. Because as I said before it is us who got ourselves into the middle of the labyrinth. It is us who walked the path step by step towards the centre until the point when we got lost completely within it. And thus the same as we walked the path towards the centre of the labyrinth so we should walk step by step until we find the exit. If you see that you walk the wrong way ( dead end corridor ) mark with red flag the intersection so that you don-t go back there and try another way. It is ok to make a mistake and go wrong way. It may be painful but eventually you will learn and you will walk the right way towards the exit. The worst thing that you can do is to give up completely before even looking at the facts and investigating what can be done to get you out of there. And then in this giving up you give your power to god ( which by the way is an illusionary creation within your mind ) and you waste your life praying to him and asking for saving you.
I know from personal experience as well as from working with other people that we always know how to make the first step to get us out of the most difficult and complicated situation. Though there are only relatively few who dare to make this first step. And then there are even fewer who continue to walk the path until the end.