I am catching up with posting online my articles.
I have already written an article about it but still I want to bring this point again.
Couple of days ago I spoke with my friend who decided that he would change his life. You-ll know... he has got enough of certain "points" within himself and so he wants to change it. The only thing is that he feels lost and so he asked me for help.
When he was explaining me his situation I realised that he wants to solve the problems right in the moment and just because he does not know how to do it ( change in the moment ) so he feels lost. I have pointed out to him that the change is a process and he must walk this process step by step. Thus I suggested to identify all the points which he wants to change ( to have the clarity ) and then look at what and how he can do it.
I explained that his situation is like being inside of the labyrinth. Obviously you want to get out of it right now but you do not see the exit. You are in the middle of it surrounded by the walls and all that you can see is your last step. Thus the only way to get out of there is to make the first step and then you will be able to see what is around the corner and then you will be able to make the next step. Of course there is a possibility that you will make a wrong decision and you will go wrong way. And then... you will simply have go back to the same point and go the other direction. And eventually you will get out of there.
To be continued