I am catching up with posting online my articles.
Because I became aware that fireworks scare a lot the animals thus I decided couple of years ago that I will not participate in the common celebrations of the new year. Though last night I decided to do it because I wanted to meet my friends and discuss few important points.
And so I went for a dinner with my friends with the plan to watch the fireworks afterwards. As I said I do not want to participate in it and support it ( because of the animals ) but because I was with my friends so I was kind of there.
Anyway just before the midnight I heard the crowd of people voicing loud the countdown and then... boom... the fireworks lighted up the sky. I saw and I heard people shouting and screaming in euphoria "happy new year" and drinking champagne.
I was there watching it all but I was not enjoying myself like others did. I remember that in the past I enjoyed watching the fireworks but this time it was to me really boring. I was looking at the fireworks and I was thinking about the huge amount of money ( in the whole world ) which is being blown up in the sky. We could "sacrifice" these few minutes of pleasure and instead we could help those who are poor and/or starving.
Then I was also looking at the drunk people shouting and wishing everybody around "happy new year". But this is all empty and meaningless. We wish ourselves happy new year but then the next day we wake up with the hangover, we forget about the last night and we never do anything practical to make this year really happy. We just continue with the same shit until the next year.
Although it was nice to see my friends and have a chat with them altogether the celebrations of new year with the fireworks was really boring and meaningless to me.