I am catching up with posting online my articles.
Today I had my day off. But it wasn't really a day of rest as I had to do few things around and prepare myself for tomorrow which is already fully booked out.
Undoubtedly working so much will give me better financial position within the system but is it really worth it ?
Of course I will not be able to answer my question now. I will have to continue walking this path to be able to see where it will leads me at the end. I have a certain objective or goal which I want to achieve and so at the moment I look at this element of working a lot as something which will help me to get there. And this is the reason why I push myself even though it is very hard sometimes.
I push myself hard but I do not abuse stupidly my body. I do take care of my body as much as I can and I communicate with it with the use of the kinesiology muscle testing to make sure that my body gets proper nutrition etc.
So now it is late and I go to sleep.