I am catching up with posting online my articles.
I have a very, very busy week at work. Basically I attend my clients and in between I try to have some rest as much as possible and I do not really have time for anything else.
You may ask why do I work so much ?... because in the end I could decide to have a day off or two and everything would be fine.
Well... yes... but...
My job is seasonal and fluctuates a lot. I have higher expenses right now related to a new project and apart from this I need to prepare ( save up some money ) for the low season. And then there is also the element that a week or two with less work and so I have to catch up by doing more work in other weeks.
In the end it is a shame that somebody like me needs to spend the energy on securing my income instead of dedicating my resources ( knowledge, experience etc. ) on other things which would help the humanity with solving their problems.
But well... this is the current system which we have all designed and now we need to pay the consequences for our creation. So I do the best I can in the current situation and as I said before at least I am doing - to a certain degree - what I like.
So time for rest now.