I am catching up with posting online my articles.
There is so much suffering going on in this world. And because it is so much of it then we tend to fall into the thinking that we can do nothing about it. And some believe that this is the will of god.
But is it really ?
Do we really need to suffer so much ?
I could give here many examples showing and proving that I am right about my statement. But because I am a therapist of natural medicine thus I will focus only on this area.
Thus today I saw a patient who has been suffering for some time already with knee and hip pain. Even though he is relatively young he has been diagnosed by the doctors with the arthritis and it was suggested to him to have the hip replacement procedure.
When I hear it I said: WTF ?
OK... I did not see the X-ray or magnetic resonance photos but still I doubt a lot that the operation is the only solution for this man.
First of all he is at least 30 kg overweight. Secondly his body posture is very bad and that includes flat foot with ankles falling inside which then causes the rotation of the knee and increased friction inside of the joint. Then he also presents pain in the lumbar area ( around L4 and L5 ). And this obviously compromises functioning of the nerves responsible for hip, knee and the whole leg in general.
So you'll see... before I would decide on operation I would try to correct all of these point and see if it is possible to improve the condition of the patient.
To be continued