I am catching up with posting online my articles.
This is the continuation of the previous article:
Thus let's put aside for a moment all that we have learned and heard about Muslims from the media and let's investigate and look at some real and practical facts. Although within this we have to take into consideration that I am a "normal" European citizen and I did not really have much contact in my life with Muslims.
1. Yes... I have heard a lot on TV about Osama Bin Laden and other Muslims committing terrorist attacks.
2. Once I saw a man beating his wife on the street and in Muslim countries this is kind of normal and acceptable.
3. Apparently the holy book of Muslims - The Quran - talks about the killing of the "infidels".
4. Many of the Syrians have lived for over 3 years in the war zone and certainly it has been imprinted in their psyche and now this fear, violence etc. is carried within them.
5. Some of the refugees will receive help from the Europeans. But many of them will be left on their own and thus trying to survive they will have to commit crimes ( robberies, prostitution, selling drugs, illegal work etc. ).
To be continued