I am catching up with posting online my articles.
Well... and here is another day when I do not know what to write. What can I say ? My life now is about securing my financial stability in the system. As I have written in one of my previous articles I am becoming a businessman. I did not leave completely my spiritual part and I do my process of self-transformation with Desteni I Process but this has been put a little bit on the side. I do it relatively slowly but I do not put it away completely as I realise that this would be one of the greatest mistakes in my life.
Though I ask myself a question whether this thing with becoming businessman is really going to be effective ?
My goal of "WHAT IS BEST FOR ALL" and chaining the world according to this principle is unchanged but still I ask myself the question whether my effort to become successful businessman is the best way to go. I see a positive thing that I am not stressed anymore about my survival within the system but then this thing with becoming a businessman takes a lot of time and energy from me. And this is the reason why my own Desteni I Process course is going slow.
But within this what keeps me going ( although it is not easy ) is that once I become successful businessman and once I am stable within the financial system then I should be able to support "best for all" projects and I should be able to assist and support others who have great ideas about changing this world but they have no money.
So my focus now is becoming successful businessman. It is not something that is easy. But I will do it and I will investigate whether this is going to make me more effective in changing the current system from what is best for few into what is best for all.