I am catching up with posting online my articles.
I hope that you get my point. Although we think in general that if we had the money then we would be able to do sooooo much for the world, in the end it is not true. And the reason for it is simple.
So you'll see... we could use our money to clean the rubbish which is polluting our environment and killing innocent animals ( and also people ) but as long as we do not teach people to throw out senselessly the rubbish then it is only a matter of time when the environment will be full of rubbish again.
So... money will not change as such this world for better. But this money - if used properly - could assist us in making the change. Pay the attention to the words that I use here ( do and assist ) because this is extremely important.
How could money assist us ?
This is obvious... EDUCATION. Because once we start to teach and educate people about how to deal with our problems and how to stop creating the problems then we will be able for example to clean ( with the use of money ) the rubbish out of the environment and then people will not do it again.
And here comes another point when it comes to money...
Those who are ready for making the change ( and at the moment there are relatively few people like this ) also need money to be able survive in this world. There are people out there who already see the danger and urgent necessity to do something to prevent the further escalation of devastation to the environment, biosphere and the whole planet earth. And they are dedicated to do something about it. But unfortunately as long as they need to fight for the survival and dedicate most of their time and energy towards earning money then obviously they will not be able to do as much as they could. This is so obvious... isn't it ?
To be continued