So you are born to this world. First few years you grow up at home with your parents ( though there are many who don't ). Then you start your education and eventually you end up doing some jobs for money.
Now... as long as you are able to earn and save some money then most probably you will never question the current system in which you live. But the situation changes drastically when you have to really struggle to earn your living despite your efforts to do it in an honest way. Or pretty much the same happens when you live your live in honesty but then somebody hurts you or steals some things from you. And then comes the moment when you say:
"This system is so unfair !!!"
And this is really cool when you say it. YES... despite being hurt or taken advantage by others it is really cool that you finally come to see that this system is unfair. Because it is also unfair that you live your "happy" live believing that everything is perfect and that god looks after you while there are billions of people ( also animals and other beings ) in this world who suffer and literally have to fight for their survival every day.
To be continued