I am catching up with posting online my articles.
Uff... I thought that I have missed writing my articles today. I worked all day today and I got very tired. And in the evening I lied down on the sofa and I fell asleep. I woke up thinking that it is already something like 7 a.m. But luckily it was 2.20 am. So I am still ok.
Anyway I have a problem because I do not know what to write about. So I guess I write little summary about what is happening in my life and process right now.
Thus I continue my experimenting with the sleep trying to see whether I can eliminate ( or at least reduce ) drastically the amount of time that I spend in bed sleeping. I am investigating whether I can find a way to give my body a rest without "losing consciousness". So I am testing the relaxation and breathing techniques.
Apart from this I experiment with my teeth trying to see if it is possible to regenerate my teeth which are rather in a bad shape.
Then I also work with dismantling my mountain of unfinished tasks and responsibilities and thanks to the strict self-discipline I am going forward with it.
So I guess this is my article for today. Or I should rather say tonight as it is already almost 4am. I had before some 2 hours of sleep and I will try to not sleep anymore tonight.