Catching up with posing online my articles

I have been writing my JTL articles for 5.5 months without posting them online. It all started that I was very busy with my work and thus I let myself to leave it for later. Then there was a month without having an internet at home and so it all started to accumulate. Then I got very busy with my other work related projects again and so I ended up with this massive delay of almost 6 months of articles.

I was writing my articles scrupulously every day but I did not put them into the .html document format for website publishing and so I was left with the mountain of unprocessed articles. But finally I have done it. This article of today is up to date and I feel like... Ufffffffffffffffffffffffff... very relieved.

Obviously this happened as a result of my own mistake in regards to planning my work and overloading myself with many responsibilities which was over my capacities. But now it is over. I am making the appropriate corrections within my life and I will do all possible to not get myself into the same situation ever again.

Within this came one realisation... whatever I do I must always take into consideration that I must find time for "what is best for all". Whatever projects I do ( e.g. work etc. ) they must go hand in hand with my principles. I cannot make decisions for example that I will try to get rich first and I put it as top priority and when I achieve it then I will spend more time on what is what is best for all. I see that this does not work at all. All my projects must include and go together with best for all at all time. If they don't then there is something wrong here. There must be no compromise.

And the same rule must be applied towards the people that I meet and cross my path. They must obey the principle of what is best for all or I should not "waste time" on them. By wasting time I mean that I hope that other people would support me and my best for all principle. I see that if other people have ego ( which is best for me principle ) then it is just a matter of time when they will stab me with the knife from behind. There is no exception from it. Ego is not life and it will try to destroy life to protect itself.


Written: 2015 - June - 28   Published: 2015 - June - 28      © Copyright 2015 - Greg Wiater