I am catching up with posting online my articles.
This is the continuation of the previous article:
Thus for example I live in Spain which seems to be really far away from Syria and it seems that it is not affecting me at all here where I live. I read some news about it sometimes on internet but apart from this I live my life and I make my decisions ( most of them ) without even taking into consideration that there is a war in Syria and that it could affect my life.
So does the war in Syria affect me and everybody else in this world at all or not ?
For me the answer is straight forward but if you cannot see it with clarity then I will give you couple of examples.
1. Does the "domestic war" of your neighbours affect your life ?You'll see... this war is not happening directly in your house and your neighbour will not beat you up. But does the shouting, swearing, stress and tension in the neighbour's house have no influence on you whatsoever ? Don't you feel the tension in the air when you meet and speak with your neighbour on the street ?
2. And what about your boss who has the domestic fight in his house and later he comes angry to work and he brings this stress to the work place ? Is it not that quite often you will pay for it as he will express his anger on you even though you are innocent in this situation and you have nothing to do with his "domestic war" ?
3. What about the enormous pollution in China ? You may live in Europe but are you sure that this pollution does not affect you ?
4. What about the cancer or other sickness ? This is also a war. It is happening very close to you ( inside of your body ) but even then you are not always fully aware of it ( at least in the beginning stages ). And thus you'll see... there is a war inside of your body and there is no doubt that it affects you but the only thing is that you may not be aware of it.
And thus is it not the same with the war in Syria ?
To be continued