Extreme laziness

I am catching up with posting online my articles.

This is the continuation of the previous article:


So what should we do with this extreme laziness ?

Well... the best would be that you never get yourself to this point when doing the exercises for just 1 min seems like climbing Mount Everest. Obviously on the physical level we cannot compare 1 min exercises with climbing the highest mountain on earth. But this is all about what is happening within the mind. And so in the mind these 1 min is something almost impossible.

Obviously something like this does not happen in an instant. And also I have to say that this does not happen so easy. These change within the mind happen over the period of some years and decades and literally we have to work hard to get there. It is very common among humans but then this does not falls down on us from the sky.

So what can we do about it ?

Well... one thing is for sure. If you find yourself in this situation you need to move your ass yourself. Within that there is always a tendency that you would like to pay somebody so that he moves your ass for you. Of course you may ask somebody for help and assistance but then you must realise that the change and the movement of your ass must be done entirely by you.

Once we talk about paying somebody for moving your ass for you I would like to mention here about one more interesting and fascinating behaviour. Look... you may come to somebody to ask for help and assistance. And you may come with the intention to pay this person for the advice. But for you this will not be something of great value and thus you will try to negotiate and lower the price as much as you can.

And there is also a very common behaviour here that you will get the advice but you will not even bother to ask if you should pay somebody for it. It is simply that within your world of ego, mind and money this is not something that has a value to be worth to pay any money.

And there is also another fascinating thing within that. Some people say that the advice is so valuable that there is no money that can pay for it and they will walk away without leaving behind even a single cent on the table.

This is a very common behaviour. And it is so common that I could literally bet money on it knowing that I will win 90% of times. It is kind of sad but then I know that this is our current reality which we have created and allowed.

But let's forget the money. Although we live in the reality where we need money for survivor, this thing with helping and giving advice others is not about the money. In reality it is about helping others to change their life. And once they really do it then this is all that is needed.

To be continued


Written: 2015 - April - 28   Published: 2015 - June - 26      © Copyright 2015 - Greg Wiater