I am catching up with posting online my articles.
So today is the day when I do not know what to write. Although this happened to me already many times ( and more frequently in the last couple on months ) this day is different.
First of all it is not late at night and I am not under pressure that I must go to sleep because I have to go to work early in the morning. Now it is 8.30 in the evening and thus I could spent another 4 hours in front of the computer and eventually I would write a "more interesting" article. Or I could do something else now and try to write it later. But I won't do it. Instead of staring senselessly at the computer screen or waiting till the last moment before going to bed I have decided to just write about not knowing what to write and about my day. And this in itself is a big success because within this I am breaking one mind pattern within my life which was very annoying.
Secondly I want to mention that today I have decided before starting to work on the computer that I would work maximum 6 hours. And so I did. I got over the temptation to want to finish my project today ( by working long hours until I am completely exhausted ) and instead I stop after 6 hours and I do some other things or I do nothing. And being able to do it gives me incredible joy.
So it is my day. There is nothing really to write about but yet this is an important breaking point within my life.