I am catching up with posting online my articles.
Yes... while many people make their decisions about where to go on holiday or about buying new car etc. the people in Syria live in the hell of war.
70 years ago the world said that it does not ever want to have the war but yet today we repeat the same mistake. It has been 4 years, 3 weeks and 5 days since the start of the conflict and we don't really know when it is going to finish.
Some of the Palestinians were lucky as they could leave the war zone and migrate to another countries but there are many others who could not do it and they are left helpless in the middle of the hell.
So what is the solution ? Can we do anything about it ?
Well... of course we can. Despite what many people think the solution is very simple. All that needs to be done is to stop the conflict right now.
OK... this is the solution but then we need to ask whether it is feasible ???
Well... YES... it is... but there is one condition to it.... everybody involved directly and indirectly into the war must stop participation in it. This is the same with any problem which we face in this world. The solution is always there. Usually it is very simple and easy and the only element which prevents us from implementing it practically is humanity itself.
So everybody must realise that you may be on the other end of the world but still you may be involved into the creation of war in Syria. Here I will give you one example explaining what I mean. Thus let's say that you are working in the factory producing arms. Obviously you have your reason by saying that you are not selling the guns directly to the militants in Syria and then that you need to pay your bills etc. but in the end you are in the circle contributing to the war in Syria. But listen further... you do not need to be working in the gun factory. It is enough that you have your own business and you sign the contract to provide some elements for the main gun factory. Or you are the computer programmer and you sell software for them. In any case you are in the circle and you contribute to the war in Syria although you live on the other end of the world and are being regarded by all your neighbours as the most peaceful human in the world.
Thus as with any other complicated problems... the solution is always simple and easy. It could be challenging but the act itself is very easy. Of course right now it all seems very complicated and almost impossible to achieve but once you do it then you will see for yourself that it is all easy.
One more advice... the main cause of the problem may be covered with many layers and thus it may not be easy ( possible ) to see it right now. But I assure you that you can always see the top layer and you always know what to do with this superficial layer. And once you remove the first layer then you will be able to see what is underneath and you will know how to deal with this next layer. And one day you will be able to realise and understand what is the real cause of the problem and then you will be able to find the solution and stop the war in Syria.