![Life without porn - update](img7yrs/img_day1088.jpg)
I am catching up with posting online my articles.
It has been already long time since I have watched porn for the last time. WOW... it is really interesting that I do not even remember when it was the last time when I watched porn and masturbated myself.
I know that once I did a short test some months ago to see what is happening with me but in general I have stopped watching porn about 2-3 years ago.
So how is my life today ? What has changed ?
Well... I can see today clearly that before I was entrapped in the mind pattern ( although it was not so severe I can say today that I was addicted to it ). You'll know... the president Barack Obama and other politicians were telling me that I am free citizen but unfortunately my liberty was limited as I was imprisoned in my mind. So there were moments in my life when I watched porn and I masturbated myself. Afterwards - feeling guilty - I was telling myself that I will not be doing it anymore. But then after some time I was finding excuses and telling myself that it is OK to watch porn and eventually I was doing it again. And so time after time I was repeating the same pattern in my life.
Now... the second thing which has changed within my life is that I stopped to look desperately for a relationship. You'll know... I stopped going around and trying to find desperately a girlfriend. Look... this is very important. This is not a coincidence that desperate search for a girlfriend disappeared when I stopped my addiction with watching porn and masturbation !!! This was part of it. I could not see it then but I can see it now.
Thirdly... today I can see clearly that the act of watching porn and masturbation is a form of abuse. And so stopping the abuse within myself I also stopped attracting into to my life partners who would mirror this abuse to me.
Now... here I have couple of questions:
Was is it worth it to stop this mind pattern of watching porn and masturbation ?
Oh yes...
Was it easy ?
Technically it is all very easy as all that is necessary is the decision to stop doing it and then just to keep up with the decision. Though when it comes to the practical aspect of it I have to say that I had to face some challenges and temptations and I had couple of falls.
Is it innocent and OK to watch porn and masturbate ?
Unfortunately I have to say to all the persons who say it that this is just an excuse ( which sound really good for the ego and the mind ) to continue doing the abuse to yourself and others.
Would recommend others to do the same ?
Oh yes... and the sooner the better for you and the whole world.
Is it possible to fall again into this addiction ?
Of course... I could start doing it again and I know that after some time I would get lost in it. But then why would l like to give up my freedom and go back free willingly to the prison ?
There is not much really to say more about it. I am really glad that I did it. And if I could regret something then I would say that I regret that I have got myself into this shit in the first place.