I am catching up with posting online my articles.
So what can we do about these misalignments ?
Well... look... there are 2 options. Thus we could start aligning our world and the planet earth and automatically our bodies would also start to align itself. The reason for it is that we are all connected and whatever happens out there affects the rest of the world and everybody living here.
To explain it in a simpler way I will give here an example. Thus somebody could pump a lot of clean air into the atmosphere and obviously having clean air would help the human body to function better and it would give it a better chance to heal ( align ) itself.
Or the second options is that we ( humans ) start aligning ourselves from within as a self-decision and self-movement and then automatically we would stop making misaligned decisions which result in pollution and destruction of this planet.
Now... there is a certain point of concern when it comes to the 1st solution. Pumping clean air into the atmosphere ( e.g. by god or aliens ) carries the risk that humans won't learn anything and we will continue doing the same shit which led to the situation when it is necessary to clean the atmosphere from outside. Obviously the clean air would help the bodies to align themselves a little bit and there is a possibility that we would regain the clarity and we would stop polluting and destroying this world.
And thus the 2nd option ( where we start to make the changes from within ) is preferred but then the experience tells us that it is very difficult to convince people to wake up from the believe that everything is ok and that we do not need to do anything because Jesus is going to save us anyway.
So what can we do ?
Well... everybody needs to assess what they can do within themselves and within their environment and simply keep going until everybody wakes up and makes conscious decision about aligning themselves.
Now... myself I am aware to some degree that the change must be done from within and so I am aligning myself. At the same time I am a therapist of natural medicine and thus I can assist other people.
But I will not pump up all the time the clean air into the lungs of my patients so that they may get better and continue with their shit !!!
Instead I show them and I encourage them breathe deep with awareness and I also show them few other things about how they may start to align themselves. And so this is how I take responsibility and this is how I change this world.