I am catching up with posting online my articles.
I have recently moved to a new apartment and today while doing cleaning of the wardrobes I have found a gun ( toy for children ). And then I looked at it and I asked myself a question:
What would happen to our world if we stopped giving the children war toys ( guns, soldiers etc. ) to play with and if we stopped showing them war films and any other violent films ?
I know that the films have a rating ( e.g. suitable for children under 10 years old etc. ) but still many of the films and the cartoons for children show fights and wars.
So I will ask again:
What would happen to the children and then to the whole world if we stopped flooding their mind with images of fights, wars, violence etc. ?
Have you a asked yourself this question ?
Probably not... so take your time now and try to think what would happen if we stopped war education ?
You do not have to be a genius to come to a conclusion that each baby that comes to this world is non-judgmental, not a racist, not a rapist, not a criminal, not a murderer, not a drug addict, not a destroyer of the nature etc. But there is something happening in between the childhood and adulthood that makes this person turn into being exactly that.
And so you do not have to be a genius to come to a conclusion that if we stopped giving our children the war toys to play with and if we stopped showing them war films and cartoons then their mind would be clean from it and they would not become the soldiers and murderers in their adulthood. This is common sense and logic.
I know that there are people out there who played with the guns and soldiers and they watched all these war movies but still in their adulthood they turned into good people and the activists for the global change. So you could say that these children's war games have no negative influence on their development.
Ok... so let's say that you are right about it. But then have you thought would happen with these children if they did not play these games at all ?
Probably not...
So use your imagination and try to answer this question for yourself. It is not difficult at all.