I am catching up with posting online my articles.
I continue to experience the point of not really knowing what to write in my articles. And so I seat in front of the computer and I think and I think and I think and it is really difficult for me to find the topic to write about. The trick with getting away from the computer for few minutes and do something around the house does not rally work anymore. The only thing that comes to me in this moment is that sometimes during the day there comes a thought or an idea about which I could write about. But then I do not remember it anymore in the evening and I do not know what to write.
Thus the solution here will be that I will from now on make a note immediately when I get an idea about which I could later write an article.
So this is for the future and for now I have decided to write about my experience with the party to which I was invited today. This seems to me to be really silly but then on the other hand I know that there is a certain pattern which many people face quite often and they do not know how to deal with it.
Thus I have been invited to the party in the private villa. Normally I avoid this type of events as they are not enjoyable for me. You'll know... I do not drink alcohol. I do not smoke cigarettes. I do not take drugs. I am not into casual sex etc. But I have decided to go to this party today as I knew that there would my good friends.
Unfortunately this party was no different than others. Although people around me were smiling, laughing, chatting with each, dancing etc. for me it was all boring. I could have stayed there pretending that everything is ok and somehow hold on till the end. But I have decided to not waste time there anymore. I talked shortly to few people but after about half an hour I decided to go home. I told my friends who organized this party that I do not enjoy it and I left.
You'll see... there was no self judgment, feeling guilty or being concerned that I would disrespect the organizers. I told them directly that I do not enjoy this type of events and I left home. And I am glad that I did it.