I am catching up with posting online my articles.
What is illegal medicine ?
Well... obviously it must be something which is related to medicine and it must be outside of the scope of what is allowed my law. The reason why something has not been recognized as legal and then prohibited under the threat of being fined or sentenced to jail is because somebody ( usually some specialist in the field of medicine ) has decided that this is dangerous for the patients.
But here comes a very important question.
Is this illegal medicine always dangerous for the patients ?
Well... to answer this question we would have to go directly to those who make this kind of decisions and do some investigations there.
And what should we investigate then ?
You'll know... just the simple and basic things like:
- how is the person in personal life
- what kind of values and believes represents
- is this person completely independent or on the contrary dependent on the sponsors ( usually pharmaceutical corporations etc. ) and other individuals who are in power
- what kind of prove and experience does this person has to be able to make the decision about some medicine being good and legal
These are very simple things but yet we don't really have the chance to know the answers to these extremely important questions. Because look... this simple point with being dependent on sponsors influences clearly the verdict of the specialist. Officially it is called bribery and as such it is illegal but yet we do allow it to happen and make it kind of "legal". Well... maybe I should not say that it is legal but yet it is very common - many people know about it but yet we are not effective in stopping and preventing it.
To be continued