I am catching up with posting online my articles.
I know that it may seem that writing an article with the title "I do not know what to write" is an easy way to get out of my responsibility of JTL. Well... it is not. I am not writing it just because. I am here in front of my computer literally falling asleep. And it is already 1 am. Even writing this short notice is a big challenge for me.
But I have to also admit that I am not 100% innocent here in this situation.
I have already written on few occasions that one of the reasons why I do not know what to write is because I am very tired from working excessively. And so I have stated in my articles that I will work with this point and that I would apply appropriate changes in my life to avoid facing these situations.
Unfortunately I have to admit that I am not effective with it and I struggle to transform this point into something that would be a balanced relationship between my work and rest.
Wow... interesting what has come up in my last sentence !!! ... RELATIONSHIP between work and rest. I guess that when we use the word relationship we usually think about 2 persons being together. But here it is obvious that I am also involved into a different type of relationship - work and rest. And this relationship is completely unbalanced in my case.
So I guess that I know what will be my next topic for my article. I need to investigate and work out my relationship with work and rest.