I am catching up with posting online my articles.
Here comes very important question:
Why would we ( humans ) decide and choose to sacrifice our health by covering our food with toxic substances ?
Well... in the first article I have given 3 reasons why we cover the apples and some other fruits with the plastic wax - looks attractive, protects from worms, gives more profit. But these reasons are kind of "superficial". And there is also something more to it.
Look... our world and the world system as it is today is the reflection of what and how we are on the "inside".
And thus how are we on the inside ?
Look around... we are obsessed with perfect image presentation and with making good impressions on others. And thus:
- Women are literally terrified to go on the street without the makeup.
- We spend fortunes on cosmetic ( plastic ) surgeries.
- We tell lies and/or we exaggerate with words to make ourselves look better and bigger in the eyes of other people.
- We work over time to be able to buy ourselves bigger house, more expensive cars etc. to be able to show it to our neighbors, friends and family.
Do you start to see it ?
We are obsessed with perfect image presentation on the outside and we are ready to sacrifice our health to achieve it. The plastic surgeries are the classic example of it. This is all superficial beauty which covers the inner ugliness.
And so this is the reason why we have these beautiful shiny apples in the supermarkets. The apples wear makeup to make them look prettier. But we do not see anything wrong with it as we are one and equal with it. Just like we do not see anything wrong with plastic surgeries and with wearing makeup... It all compromises our health but yet we accept it as normal.