I am catching up with posting online my articles.
There are more than 7 billions of people living in this world and about 1 billion of them does not get proper nutrition and many of them starve to death. This is not just sad. That is really fucked up especially because the problem is not with the shortage of food as such but rather with the distribution of food. And then this bad distribution is the result that we prioritize our own egos rather than life.
Apart from the problem with the distribution of food we have also a problem with the distribution of wealth. And so we have those who live surrounded by luxuries of all sorts and who have accumulated in their bank accounts amount of money which they will literally not be able to spend in their whole life ( even though they would spend 1 MILLION dollars !!! every day of their life ) while majority of people in this world lives in poverty and struggles and fights for survival.
Now... I know that it is easy to point out with the finger those who are mega rich and expect them to give their excessive wealth to help the poor ones but this is only the reflection of how we - as humanity - approach solving the problems in childish way.
According to statistics 85 richest people are as wealthy as poorest half of the world. But we cannot blame these 85 people for the poverty in this world. Look... each and everyone who lives here on earth creates and manifests all the time a system which promotes inequality. And this is the reason why we have these 85 mega rich people. It is not just their fault but yet they are equally responsible for creating the equality.
To be continued