I am catching up with posting online my articles.
A friend of mine ( about 70 years old ) went to the doctor because she was waking up almost every morning with pains in the hands and cramping fingers. Unfortunately the doctor said that this is related to normal age and that he can do nothing about it apart from taking some medicine or rubbing some creams into the skin of the hands to reduce the pain. My friend took the words of the doctor for granted and accepted her fate to live for the rest of her life with pain. But luckily for her she did not accept to take the medicine to reduce the pain as she already went through bad experience with the doctors in the past prescribing her hormonal drugs.
Obviously this thing with accepting the diagnosis of the doctors unconditionally comes from the brainwashing to which we are exposed for our whole life. And this brainwashing makes us blind to see the very simple and evident facts of the reality and then instead of acting according to these facts we take the medicine prescribed by the doctors even though we know that this medicine usually causes side effects which - very often - are worse than the initial problem.
Now... luckily for my friend she did not take the medicine ( and she does not have to deal with additional side effects ) and her second luck is that she also met a person which questions this reality and what is commonly accepted as normal. Obviously this person is me... hahahaha.
So I questioned what the doctor said I did not accepted that this thing with cramping fingers is something that cannot be changed.
And guess what ?
2 months later the pains and cramping has almost disappeared. And it is not that I did some kind of magic or miracle. All that I did is that I showed this person how to do some exercises to mobilise the upper body, spine and shoulders. I showed her how to breathe properly. I bought her a pillow so that her neck ( cervical spine ) is supported well and I also told her to stop the habit of sleeping all night on one side all night. You'll know... one of the major causes of the pains and cramping fingers was that her head was falling down ( due to the fact that her pillow was too flat ) and this was pressing on the nerves manifesting itself later as problems in the hands.
So as you can see she could have bought herself the best and most expensive creams and rub them into the hands but this would never solve the problem simply because the cause of the problem was not where the pain was. The cause was not in the hands but in the spine and how she was sleeping.