![Friendship with the sickness](img7yrs/img_day1021.jpg)
I am catching up with posting online my articles.
So here comes the question whether our relationship with the sickness must be always unpleasant ?
Well... if you start to generate and charge yourself as one of the polarities and you ignore small signs and signals telling you that you are off the track then automatically you will be subject to the consequences of the balancing law of the polarities. And the stronger is the polarity the more unpleasant will be the act of balancing and thus the sickness will hit you that much stronger. And if you don't want to learn from it but instead you just treat the symptoms and continue creating polarities then you are making for yourself real hell. On the contrary if you do not ignore the small and subtle signs and you make the correction within yourself so that you stop creating the polarities then you should never be subject to sickness to counterbalance the polarity which you have created and identified yourself as it within your mind.
So now you should realise that the sickness can be also your friend. YES... sickness does not have to be always your enemy but it can be also your friend. And this is what I have learned from my experience with psoriasis. As I said in the first article my therapist thought that the homeopathic remedy has killed it and eliminated it completely from my body. But eventually we have realised that I went through a very serious and a little bit dangerous process but as a result of it I have established friendly relationship with psoriasis. First of all it helped me to see some important points within my life which needed correction and secondly this sickness ( psora ) is telling me now with little itchy points that I am getting off the track and I need to revise what I am doing.
So you'll see... there is no need to look desperately for remedies ( weapons ) to kill psoriasis. We must learn how to make peace instead of war with it. We must learn to listen to what it tells us and make the appropriate corrections within ourselves and within our lives so that there is no need for strong experiences with sickness.
Then there is also no need to fight with Afghans and/or any other nations. People from Afghanistan can also be our friends. But of course we cannot talk about peace when we attack and try to kill them with drones. But the same as with the sickness. The cause of the problem is not out there but rather within ourselves. And so we should revise our lives and make the corrections within ourselves first. And then there is a chance to find a peaceful solution with Afghans and the rest of the world.