I am catching up with posting online my articles.
Well... this needs to be investigated personally by everybody and then corrected within oneself. And then once you change yourself and stop charging yourself as polarity then you will automatically stop taking or giving your power to the opposite polarity, which means that you will automatically give the other person/s the opportunity to change themselves.
But let's go back to our sickness...
At the moment the doctors and the scientists are the "good guys" and the sickness is the "bad guy". Obviously we have a clear example that we have opposing polarities. And the same applies to sick people who are the "innocent" victims ( good guys - positive polarity ) and the bacteria, viruses and the sickness are again the bad guys.
Now... here is the very important question...
Is sickness really a bad guy ?
Well... look... if you take on the position of the positive polarity because you define yourself as the good guy then somebody must take the role of the bad guy ( negative polarity ). The law of polarities must be balances and so here we have the sickness.
Now... as you know being sick is nothing pleasant and thus even though the law of polarities is balanced by the negative polarity it does not mean that everything is nice and beautiful. Actually it is the opposite. And thus this brings us to the realisation that if we don't want to experience unpleasant consequences of balancing the law of polarities we should stop defining ourselves as and desiring to be the good guy ( positive polarity ). Although most of the people desire to be positive and good person the same rule applies if somebody would try to define himself as the bad guy and try to push away from him everything that is positive. The law of polarities must balance itself and thus this negative person will be subject to the consequences of it.
So you'll see... sickness is more of a friend to us as it helps to balance the law of polarities and through unpleasant consequences it gives us the opportunity to see what we are creating and manifesting within this world. Those who open their eyes have the chance to stop creating more polarities and free themselves from this vicious cycle.
To be continued