I am catching up with posting online my articles.
So what is the solution ?
Should we stop finding the cure and let the viruses to kill us ? And then because I talk about the war in Afghanistan I could also ask the question if we should stop the war in Afghanistan and let the "terrorists" from Al-Qaeda kill us ?
Look... as long as you live in fear and as long as you create any polarity within your mind then there must exist counterbalancing polarity somewhere out there and then you must pay for all the consequences of allowing the polarity to exist within yourself. You may try to fight and protect yourself from those who are threatening you but within this you do not understand that you are never going to win and you will never going to find peace. And this is simply because you exist as polarity and you manifest constantly the opposite polarity from which you think that you need to protect yourself. And thus you may kill all people in Afghanistan or you may find a medicine to kill one type of virus but sooner or later there will appear another virus much more potent than the one that you have killed. And you can never free yourself from it no matter what you do as long as you do not stop creating and existing as your ego, as your mind with its polarities.
So how to stop creating and existing as polarities ?
To be continued