I am catching up with posting online my articles.
If you follow my articles then you should remember that 2 years ago I was facing psoriasis in my life. For those who don't know what psoriasis is I put here the definition of it.
And thus Psoriasis is a common, chronic, relapsing/remitting, immune-mediated systemic disease characterized by skin lesions including red, scaly patches, papules, and plaques, which usually itch. The skin lesions seen in psoriasis may vary in severity from minor localized patches to complete body coverage. The disease affects 2-4% of the general population.
This was a very unpleasant condition. It took me some months to get over it but eventually I did it and I was be able to get back into normal life and get back to work. And there was a time when I was not sure if I will be able to ever again do my job. Because how could I work as a massage therapist with red and itchy spots on my skin ? Apart from this that it was very unpleasant for me when the oil got onto my skin and then I also doubt that anybody would allow me to touch them again.
Anyway with the use of natural medicine ( mainly homeopathy ) I got over this sickness and my skin is good now. But although my skin is good I am not over the psoriasis !!!
At first my therapist told me ( and I guess he also believed it ) that psora that was in my body causing the red and itchy spots on my skin was completely killed and unless I would get "infected" again with it then I should not have any more problems with it in my life. But the thing is that from time to time I had few itchy points on my body. And I knew with certainty that this spots were exactly the same things as those when I had attack of psoriasis on my whole body few months ago. These itchy points were on my skin for few days and then they disappeared. I told about this my therapist but he insisted that this is something different.
To be continued