I am catching up with posting online my articles.
Today I talked with one of my patients to check up on him how it goes with the recovery and I also wanted to know if he does the exercises which I asked him to do.
So he is noticing improvements as he follows my advice in regards to taking some supplements and he does some physical exercises. Though he told me that he did not do the breathing exercises. And instead of doing deep breathing for 30 min every day he is taking around 20 deeper breaths in the morning and then he repeats it in the evening. Of course I am not surprised with what he told me as I have heard this already few times from my other patients.
This thing with finding excuses to not breathe deeper during the recovery is kind of "normal" behaviour among people. And I observed it not so long ago on myself. When I was sick, deep breathing was the last thing that I wanted to do. I had to literally force and push myself to do it.
So why is this happening ?
Well... this thing with shallow breathing does not come out of nowhere and suddenly. We let it be there over longer period of time and eventually it becomes a habit. And once it becomes a habit we do not see it anymore as something wrong and we consider it within our mind to be normal. But even though we regard this habit in our mind as normal, this is not something that our body can cope with. Our body needs oxygen for proper functioning and shallow breathing does not provide enough of it.
But this is not just about the oxygen. Breathing has many other functions.
To be continued