I am catching up with posting online my articles.
So today I have one of those days when I am tired because I have worked all day and now I struggle to write something. I try to avoid working too much in one day but today I had appointments which I could not change.
Anyway... I have noticed today one interesting thing.
My body is recovering from the sickness and I regain more strength every day. And I see straight away how it all affects my work. In the last couple of weeks I noticed that almost every single massage was a struggle. I wished that they finish as quick as possible and I wished that there are no more appointments for the next day so that I may have a rest. But the appointments were coming. I was getting weaker and more tired and there was never ending work. It was good from the money point of view but it was a catastrophe for my health.
Now I am better and stronger. And I see immediately huge difference in my approach to the massage. Before I was struggling and wishing that the massage is over before it even started. But I don't have it anymore. Now I pay attention to every single move of my hands and how I place my body around the massage table. I am aware of my breathing. Now I see that every single movement is an expression of myself while before it was literally struggle to survive.
So I am kind of fortunate that I have the opportunity to express myself in my work. It does not mean at all that everything is always easy and beautiful because I also need to fight for the survivor. But at least I have some moments in my life when my basic survival needs are secured and then I can be creative and expressive.
Unfortunately big part of humanity is not at that position as their possibility to express themselves is completely suppressed by the constant fear and fight for survivor.
So what is my point here ?
Well... what I want to say here is that our current system sucks and needs to be changed.
Because what is the point of being here on this planet where we have to fight for survival our whole life and there is no possibility to express ourselves freely ?
It completely does not make sense... or does it ?
But you may not even see that this is all nonsense simply because you are so occupied with you fight to survive that you have no time to even think and look at your life and ask questions.
So here is the proposal to change the current system - LIVING INCOME GUARANTEED proposed by Equal Life Foundation. Get to know it. Investigate it. Support it. And make it happen. It is possible but it will not happen by itself.