I am catching up with posting online my articles.
So yesterday I mentioned that my sickness has got my eyes to open a bit wider and I start to see new door in my process. Obviously the door is just the door and unless I do not open it and walk through it but I just stir at it then nothing will happen.
So what is this door about ?
I start to realise that my current life is missing spontaneity. In the last couple of years I have worked hard to get myself financially stable but within this I have lost my spontaneity and creativity. This is the result of taking on myself too many responsibilities, with which I was struggling to keep up and this was consuming entirely my time and my energy. And so when my body was working on the maximum capacity to cope with all the responsibilities I did not have time and energy for spontaneity and creativity.
And I can also see now that I was on the way to become workaholic as lately it was more and more difficult for me to get myself off work and do something pleasurable like going to the beach or to the mountains.
You'll know... there is nothing wrong with the routine and the discipline. As a matter of fact it is something very useful. But as I said my responsibilities took over me and I had no time for spontaneity.
And I can also see that I have stopped being creative at my work. I do the massage according to a certain routine but I don't remember when was the last time, when I invented some new moves and techniques. For me it was always fun when I discovered something new and lately I don't see it happen. So it all became boring and exhausting.
So the new things which I need to apply in my life are:
1. Reduce the number of responsibilities
2. Stop working on high revs all the time
3. Find time for myself and going to the nature
4. Take at least 1 day off in a week and completely disconnect from work
5. Learn to make decisions out of spontaneity rather than doing everything according to certain rules