I am catching up with posting online my articles.
This is the continuation of the previous article:
Thus once somebody comes to me with a certain problem ( usually muscle pain ) then I assess the situation and I try to help as much as I can. Though because I have a lot of experience in the field then this "as much as possible" means that I can help more or less almost every person. And then this "more or less" usually means "more". And this is really cool. I am also very proud of myself that I am able to help people with their problems ( including very complicated and helpless cases ).
Now... there would be no need to waste my time on talking about it and simply use this time to help more people if everybody on this earth was an "angel" sincerely needing help. Then as I said I would sincerely help those in need and all would be wonderful.
Unfortunately this world is full of devils. Yes... the devils are not in hell but rather here. Just look around... look at what we do here to other fellow humans, to ourselves, animals and the nature. Is this something that angels do ?
Obviously this thing about the angels and devils is a metaphor but then being a human is nothing to be proud of and we could rather use this word as a curse word. And thus instead of saying that: "somebody acts/behaves like an animal" which we use to describe someone's behavior as degrading, we should rather say that: "someone behaves like a human". Because in the end it is humans who destroy stupidly this world and not the animals. And thus we should live the animals in peace and as a matter of fact we should learn something from them.
Thus let's say that this devil comes to me because he has annoying pain. I do my treatment. I help him. He is content as he is relieved from pain. But then he does not stop for a second to ask himself why he has got pain in the first place but instead he goes back into doing his devil shit destroying the world ( through pollution, war, greed etc. ) and I have made it all easier for him. Thus in a sense I am equally responsible for destroying this world. And this "in a sense" actually means that "in reality and without the doubt" I am destroying this world.
You'll see... I could just take the money for my service, attend the next customer and don't waste time on this philosophical thinking about "destroying the world" etc. But I cannot do it because I am aware of it and trying to suppress this awareness would sooner or later bite me on my ass.
Then what should I do now with the devils ?
Should I not attend them at all ?
To be continued