This is the continuation of the previous article:
You'll know... on one hand I am a normal citizen just like you making the jokes about the doctors. We know how it is but yet we do nothing about it apart from jokes. The doctors get rich easy with this system of seeing a patient quite often in less than 5 min. Sometimes it works for the patient and sometimes it doesn't.
But on the other hand I am a therapist of natural medicine with hands on experience of many years and I see cases which are nothing else but the absolute negligence of the doctor and as a matter of fact the doctor should be sentenced to jail for it.
Thus being a therapist and seeing things from different perspective opened my eyes to a realisation that traditional medicine is designed to treat the symptoms and if that can be achieved quickly then it is being regarded as success. But you'll see... treating the symptoms is like doing something to reduce the noise with quick and cheap fixes coming from lose parts in the machine instead of fixing the problem. And you know how it is with the machine. Sooner or later that loose part may fall apart completely and then the cost of repairing the machine will be few times greater than the money which you have saved on the quick fix to reduce the noise.
And it is the same with the body. If you do not correct the cause of the problem and you just treat the symptoms then you will get seriously sick. Obviously it depends on the case but usually this is just a matter of time. But if you do correct the cause of the problem and if you tighten all the loose screws in your body then it is rather impossible that you won't get much better relatively quickly ( sometimes instantly ) or even get completely healed from the most complicated and most serious diseases. You'll know... I have heard on multitude of occasions and I have seen personally therapists who can get people out of cancer and other deadly diseases within the period of few months ( and sometimes even less ). And this is done simply by tightening the loose screws in the right place.
To be continued