This is the continuation of the previous article:
So... my experiment has been successful. I woke up this morning without any symptoms in my throat and I am good. My friend is also better but he has not yet 100%.
Then is it something reliable and something that anybody else can try and be successful with stopping and reversing common cold and flu ?
Well... although I failed last year and I had to go through uncomfortable symptoms of flu I have succeeded already few times in the last few years. Thus I cannot discard that this is all coincidence especially because I see that I make a conscious decision about doing something and then I have a results. And secondly I am not the first and the only person mentioning that it is possible to stop and prevent the sickness without the medicine and simply by making appropriate changes within self.
So that means that there is a potential for anybody to try it and be successful with it though it does not mean that everybody will make it in the first go. And then for some people it may take many years if not few decades before they will be able to come to this point.
Thus what exactly needs to be done to be successful ?
Well... we must understand one important thing. Although I had a success with stopping and reversing the flu I still allowed myself to get to the point where I must do something to reverse it. And that means that we ( just like myself ) must realise that we are not "poor victims" to the bad guys ( viruses and bacteria ) but instead we allow it to happen. To say it differently we must admit and take absolute responsibility for what we do or otherwise we won't be able to change anything. Because you'll see... you may get the advice from the best specialists and you may try the best techniques but as long as you have contradictory beliefs within yourself then you will fail most of the times.
Once you accept the concept that you are directly responsible for your flu then you will have the chance to investigate where and how you create your sickness. But this is not about trying to find the answer in what you did or what you didn't. For example you may think that you got sick because:
- It was cold and you did not put on right clothes or
- You were close to other people who were sick.
The answer is actually hidden within your mind and that the place where you need to look. And that means that you need to investigate your beliefs, thoughts, emotions etc.
To be continued...