We all know ( or I think that we should know ) why we celebrate Christmas. It is the time to celebrate the coming of Jesus - the son of the Holy God - who sacrificed his life for the sins of humanity and in this way he saved us from something. Although I used be a Christian I do not remember any more from what Jesus was supposed to save us.
Anyway... the thing is that Jesus, God and the Bible are related directly with the Christian religion, pope, Vatican, churches etc. And so I am asking myself this question:
"How the fcuk Christmas has infiltrated into other religions like Buddhism, Islam etc. ?"
Yeah... go on Google and search for Christmas in Dubai, Bangkok etc. There are many images with beautiful Christmas trees in the countries where majority of people are Muslim, Buddhists etc.
But please do not come with an argument that this is how Jesus and Christian god is gaining its way and taking over other religions. If you believe in something like this then you must be really fucked up in your head. If you still believe in the idea of god then you should realise that the only god that is taking over the Islam and Buddhism is the money. Yes... money has become god to us.
Anyway... this thing with the Christianity "infiltrating" Islam, Buddhism and other religions is not my realization about which I wanted to talk about. Thus let's go into it now.
I stopped celebrating Christmas somewhere around the year 2000. Thus I don't really go to Christmas parties and I do not buy Christmas presents. But even though I do not celebrate it, it is rather impossible ( at least for now ) to get around it completely as If nothing happened because the majority of the society does the celebrations and there is always somebody wishing me happy Christmas.
In the beginning it was kind of awkward for me to say that I am not celebrating and I was kindly replying: "Merry Christmas" to all. But with the time I have let it go and I do not allow this social pressure to influence me anymore and now I say directly that I do not celebrate the Christmas without hesitation. And here came a very interesting realization/discovery.
Look at this:
- Somebody is saying to me: "merry Christmas"
- I reply: "I do not celebrate Christmas"
- They say: "you know what ?... Actually I also don't celebrate Christmas and I say it because I thought that you ( referring to me ) do"
- No... I don't...
And then we laugh.
You'll know... this happened with few people. And I said to myself:
"Hey... it looks like more and more people start to realise that Christmas is bullshit but they are still learning how to deal with social pressure forcing us to be part of it and to celebrate it".
And so further I have realized that I should be even more direct in saying that I don't celebrate Christmas because now I see that this helps other people to gain their confidence in their decision to stop the bullshit as well.