So what do we choose ?
The illusion ? Or the real ?
If we chose the illusion then we will invent another prophecy either beautiful and incredible ( like the New Golden Age ) or catastrophic one . Then we will make ourselves believe in it and we will continue to ignore and destroy what is real ( earth, animals, nature and our own bodies ) just like we do it now and we will believe that this is not a problem because god, Jesus, aliens or superman will save us and magically transform our shit into gold.
If we chose the real then we will start to use our brain, we will apply common sense and logic and we will realise that we are those who make shit around and we are responsible for cleaning it. And then we will start to do something to make real changes in this world so that life of every single being on this planet is enjoyable and respectful without the struggle to survive.
Now... the last prophecy about the end of the world has not come true as it was a phantasy and belief made in our minds. But one thing is for sure... if we continue inventing and believing in the phantasies and we will continue to ignore the real world ( earth, animals, nature and our bodies ) then we will eventually bring on us the "end of the world" for real as a result and consequence of our destructive actions ( e.g. pollution, deforestation etc. ). The current situation is not pretty at all but still we could revert the negative changes relatively easy. I know it with 100% certainty. But it will not happen by itself. We must act. We must do something together.
Now... there is one proposal presented by ELF = Equal Life Foundation in the form of Living Income Guaranteed. So if you do not know how you could contribute and make effective changes in this world then investigate and support ELF.
This is the last time I write about it. Although I know that at some time I will refer to the events of the 21-12-2012 but next year I will not write about it anymore because there is no more sense to remind everybody about it every year. It is gone and I should hope that we have learned from it and that we will not go there ever again.