Yes... It has been already 2 years since the "end of the world" ! Exactly 2 years ago we were supposed to go through serious of catastrophic events ( earthquakes, tsunamis, deadly radiation from the sun etc. ), which were supposed to end this old world. Or at least big part of it because there was a divine plan according to which few chosen ones were supposed to survive and give a beginning to a new civilization and new golden age based on love, peace, technological advancement etc.
Now... this was a prophecy. And we could easily say that this was one of "biggest" prophecies ( if we could say it so ) in the last few centuries if not few thousands of years in the history of humanity. This prophecy was equal if not bigger to the prophecy of Jesus promising his second coming on the cloud and saving this world. When I say "big" I mean that there were many millions of people who believed it or at least heard about it.
As a matter of fact this was not just one prophecy because here we had the mixture of various beliefs, opinions and even scientific reasoning trying to justify possibility of these events. And so we had the end of the Mayan Calendar, we had a prophecy of Nostradamus, we had a point in which earth was closing a cycle/circle on its trip through universe and it was supposed to enter into the belt of strong and transformative energies on the Galactic equator, we had increased activity on the sun ( sun spots and eruption ) and there was a possibility that the solar wind and the radiation could destroy earth and especially our electric grid. Then we also had a possibility of crash with Nibiru, which is supposed to be another planet not yet discovered ( or kept secret ) by our scientists from NASA and this crash was supposed to make the prophecy come true. And we also had the thing with 2nd coming of Jesus on the cloud accompanied by the angels etc.
And thus in 21st of December of 2012 was supposed to be a point when we ( earth and humanity ) should enter into the new phase of Golden/New Age. It was supposed to be accompanied by serious of catastrophic events but then Jesus, aliens and god were supposed to guide and help us.
But as you can see... We are already 2 years after this "important" point in our history, none of the prophecies has come true and nothing really has changed but it follows the same line of "evolution" as it was 2 years ago. And so we have a problem with starvation, pollution, war, prostitution, drugs etc.
To be continued